New India Criti Protect Policy

New India Criti Protect Policy is available to persons between the age of 18 years and 65 years. One can propose to cover their dependents without covering themselves. Lifelong renewal is available provided the policy is renewed on time. The Proposer can choose Sum Insured from 5 Lakhs to 50 Lakhs in multiple of 5L subject to:

Highlights of the Product:

  1. It is a benefit policy. Lump sum benefit equivalent to 100% of the Sum Insured shall be paid, provided the covered Critical illness is diagnosed during the policy period as the first incidence subject to completion of waiting period of 90 days.
  2. Zero days Survival period.
  3. 4 plans are available – 9 CI / 18 CI / 25 CI/ 41 CI.
  4. Policy can be taken for a tenure of 1 Year, 2 Years or 3 Years
  5. Only Indian Citizens and Indian Residents are eligible
  6. This policy covers Worldwide Territorial limits.
  7. Sum Insured for Non- Gainful Employment is restricted to 15 lakhs
  8. For Gainful employment, proposer can chose Sum Insured from 5 Lakhs to 50 Lakhs. For sum insured in excess of 25 lakhs, income proof is required. Maximum total cover allowed is 12 times of the annual income.
    Gainful Employment refers to an employment situation where the employee receives steady work, payment from the employer. This means that income from property rent, shares, investment, interest income etc., shall not be taken into account under Gainful Employment
  9. No pre-policy medical check-up (PPMC) for proposers up to 45 years of age with no PED or comorbidities and up to 20 lakhs of sum insured. For all other, pre-policy medical check-up (PPMC) should be carried as laid out in the prospectus.
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