Horticulture / Plantation Insurance


Horticulture / Plantation

Rural Insurance Policy



    The policy provides cover for loss of or damage to the insured tree/fruits such as grape, citrus, banana, rubber, eucalyptus, tea, oil palm, orchids, roses etc.


    Provides cover for loss due to

    1. Fire (including forest fire and bush fire)
    2. Lightning
    3. Storm, Flood and Inundation
    4. Riot, Strike and Terrorism

    Loss due to

    1. Loss by theft
    2. Earthquake
    3. Loss/damage due to insects, pests and diseases (unless specially covered)
    4. Non-compliance with package of prescribed agricultural practices for the insured crop
    5. Climatic variations, pollutions, non-bearing fruits
    6. Damage by birds, animals
    7. Damage by plant supports, irrigation system, agricultural equipment
    Period of Insurance

    This period is for the crop duration (from planting to harvest) or one year whichever is shorter

    Sum Insured

    Sum Insured is based on the input costs i.e. cost of cultivation. Input costs are cost of manures, cost of pesticides, cost of ploughing and harvesting, labour cost of planting, cost of plant/seedlings etc.

    Note: Policy details given are indicative, not exhaustive. Please contact your nearest NIA office for further details.

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